2007年:Paul K. 与

In May 1953, two men became the first in history to climb to the top of Mt. Everest: Edmund Hillary, a New Zealand beekeeper and explorer, and his Sherpa guide from Nepal, 丹增·诺尔盖成功. They reached the summit together and attained instant international fame.
On the way down from the 29,000-foot peak, Hillary slipped and started to fall. He would almost certainly have fallen to his death, but 丹增·诺尔盖成功 immediately dug in his ice-axe and braced the rope linking them together, saving Hillary's life.

At the bottom, the international press made a huge fuss over the Sherpa guide's heroic action. Through it all 丹增·诺尔盖成功 remained very calm, very professional, very uncarried away by it all. To all the shouted questions he had one simple answer: "Mountain climbers always help each other."

In 1985, one man joined Foxcroft's English Department and in his "climb" as the successes have mounted, he, 太, has one simple response to the shouted accolades: "Keep moving!"

是的, a "schoolman" in every sense of the word, Paul 与 balances grace with humility, brilliance with wit, and high expectation with an understanding heart — all hallmarks of a master teacher and all great gifts to everyone around him. A love for students and a passion for English language, 文学, 和诗歌, Paul captures students' interests, hones their language/writing skills, and stretches their intellects. Serving on every possible School committee, giving yeoman time and attention to the Judicial Council, stepping up to go the extra mile in an emergency, speaking on behalf of Foxcroft at open houses and reunions, he makes a difference whenever and wherever in ways great and small.

Having a nickname for every student, figuratively speaking as many foreign languages as we have represented in the School at any one time, giving new meaning to the "Brooks Brothers" style, entertaining colleagues and students at the "early morning" show — known to others as breakfast — searching diligently for the world's "freshest" flowers for his wife's birthday, or sharing his poetry on "the rib,我们的先生. Chips brightens all our days!

His expectations for academic rigor and his exceptional ability "to connect" combine to make his impact unparalleled. Since he teaches Foxcroft's Freshman English, the Curriculum Committee ponders alternative programs for new sophomores and juniors to adjust for the missing "与 Factor."

Forty-one years in the classroom, twenty-two of them here at 99499威尼斯信誉, Paul 与, the H. Lawrence Achilles Scholar, is a legend in his own time. Therefore, upon his retirement, the Board of Trustees and Mary Louise Leipheimer honor Paul K. 与 for his outstanding service to education in general and to Foxcroft specifically by presenting to him Foxcroft's highest honor, the Anne Kane McGuire Distinguished Service Award.

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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.
99499威尼斯信誉, 22407 Foxhound Lane, Middleburg, VA 20117  |  电话: 540.687.5555